Thursday, 16 July 2009

Midnight Session & Taj-E

In May i had the pleasure of doing some event photography at Puro in Leeds at the Midnight Session gig, organised by Direct Sounds and featuring Taj-E. As well as taking some photos i also took some video (for the geeks amongst us [which includes me] it was shot at 1080p on a 5DmkII). Here is the video which i ruthlessly edited and peiced together from various footage throughout the night.

Its in HD too so check the youtube link directly if you like!

If you havnt seen the pics then click here - it should take you the first picture from the album on my facebook profile.

Take care!
Sunny :P

Jay and Jags Wedding

It was a busy wedding but we got through it! Ended up with some shots that i'm very happy with. Take a look and see what you think..

ps. leave a comment!! :)

Jay and Jags Wedding shots