Monday, 2 November 2009

Here's what I made earlier...

Sometimes we get caught up in the things we do. This year for me its been my Architecture Postgraduate course, then wedding photography, my brothers wedding, more wedding photography and then starting the second year of my postgrad... things seem to slip by and end up forgotten. Thats kind of what happend with this photo (and the rest in the set).

I was so busy with what I was doing that I forgot to upload these to my website, flickr and facebook! I shall be going through some of my work from the past year and slowly upload them for everyone to see, afterall its a shame to let some nice photos go unseen.

Remember guys you can join my facebook group here

And please visit my website as i've recently redone it with a more simplistic approach. You can check that out here

Take care and thanks for reading!

Sundeep Singh Osahn
Professional Photographer