Hi everyone,
The topic today is, you guessed it, the iPhone. Well not exactly the iphone but more the apps that are available for it to fulfil the question "what apps can I use when I'm out and about to produce reasonably decent images when I don't have my SLR, Mac Pro, Photoshop and Internet connection with me?.."
Well that a tough one... But...
Best app for HDR:
For those of you wanting to play about with HDR images I highly recommend Pro HDR; a pretty decent app that enables you to produce decent HDR images that from saved images or via the camera and allows a fair amount of tweakability. Best app for Panoramic images:
Panoramatic is a highly advance app that uses various algorithms to stitch together your images. Again, you can tweak various settings to get the kind of image you want. Post processing?
A huge favourite of mine is Mill Colour. A fav because it's free (yay!) and because it has awesome built in 'looks' as well as full control over saturation, gamma, gain and lift in all three colours of the digital rainbow (rgb).
Ok so how do I watermark my pic?
Good question.. Go and download the free app 'Impression'. Very simple and does what you need it to!
Here's something I did earlier using only the apps mentioned here.
And here's one in black and white too.
Also, this message was written on my iPhone too. Ah.. The wonders of technology!
Until next time.
Sundeep Osahn
www.SunnyPhotography.co.uk Posted via email from SunnyPhotography